On March, 4 a joint enlarged sitting of the collegia from 4 Ministries of Kaluga Region took place: the collegia of the Ministry for Economic Development,  Ministry for Finance, Ministry for Tariff Regulation and Ministry for Competition Policy.

The Minister of economic development of Kaluga Region, Vladimir Popov  presented a summary report on the social and economic development results for 2014 and objectives for 2015.

There was a task facing the Region to keep positive dynamics of the economic development. “Regarding the results of the year 2014, we managed to do it: Kaluga Region took  the 1st place in the output volume of manufacturing industries per 1 citizen among the Regions of Russia”, - Vladimir Popov commented.

The industrial production volume in Kaluga Region increased by 2,9% in comparison with the rates for 2013. (The identical rate in Russia accounted for 1,7%).  The volume of the shipped industrial production output made 520 billion roubles. This is 71 billion roubles more than the rate of the previous year.

“We ensured the inflow of investments in the volume of approximately 100 billion roubles. This is the largest rate for the last 14 years.” – Vladimir Popov remarked.

There are 12 industrial enterprises opened in the Region for the past year. Especially important is that a number of these enterprises produce new goods for the Region:   cement and concrete (Lafarge Cement OAO), milled marble (OMIA Ural OOO), ceramic granite tile (Freelite ZAO). At the opened enterprises, more than 2300 working places have been created.   

One of the strategic priorities of the regional policy is the transport-logistic infrastructure.  Just so within the technical flight in December 2014 the first passenger plane landed onto the take-off runway of the international airport “Kaluga”.

During 2014 new terminals, working on the principle of freight villages were put into operation. This gave the Region an opportunity to move to a new more effective level of freight handling, increase the turnover and attract about 3,8 billion roubles of investments.

To intensify the innovative development of the Region the regional centre of engineering was create in Obninsk. Its activity will let develop the innovative component of the economy. The centre is created to provide engineering services to companies in the sphere of research and to bring new kinds of products in the sphere of pharmaceutics, medicine and biotechnologies on the market.

Vladimir Popov underlined that the well-established in the previous years potential would give an opportunity not only to implement what had been planned in 2014 but also to create the growth conditions for 2015.  “In the changed foreign economic conditions the formed basis will let us concentrate our work in the search of growth points and  internal reserves of development and elaboration of new mechanisms to use these reserves” – Vladimir Popov commented.

In the context of the evolved plans and objectives for 2015 the opening of 14 new enterprises with the creation of 3500 working places is planned. The total volume of investments of these enterprises according to the agreements makes about 62 billion roubles. Among them there are “Volkswagen Group Rus”, “Agro-Invest”, “Biotechnological complex “Rosva”” and a number of pharmaceutical enterprises. The activity of these enterprises will provide the implementation of the regional events on the import substitution.

In 2015 a full-scale launch of the international airport “Kaluga” will be organized. The airport will become a powerful handler for the economy growth. In the vicinity of the airport there will appear enterprises providing services for passenger and freight transportation. Taking into consideration all the attending companies, the total number of working places will reach 500 jobs. It will positively influence not only the level of the citizens’ employment but also the budget revenues.

Finance resources availability, stimulation of cooperation ties, support of the regional import substitution production facilities – solving of these problems will help to overcome the arising barriers and let reach a new qualitative level of development.





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