
The airport «Kaluga» has been officially awarded with the international status

On the 18th of August the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich delivered to the temporarily assuming the responsibilities of the Governor of Kaluga Region Anatoly Artamonov an appropriate document – the Government order about the opening of the airport «Kaluga» for international flights and about the installation of a many-sided border inspection post.

Kaluga International Airport is a class B airport, which is aimed at accommodating aircrafts of А-319, Boeing-737 types as well as other ones of this and lower classes. On the average, the capacity of the air-terminal complex is 100 passengers per hour. By 2030 the passenger flow is expected to reach 500, 000 people per year. On June, 2015 the airport started to launch regular flights. Now the flights to Saint Petersburg, Sochi and Simferopol are being made. Since 2016 the airport will be offering technical maintenance of business aviation and hangar storage services.

Arkady Dvorkovich marked that the airport «Kaluga» would contribute to socio-economic development of the region. «The opening of the airport took place in a short space of time, as quick as possible. The new international airport will help to unload the Moscow air hub. In such a way the project is important for the whole Russian transport infrastructure», - he commented on.

In his turn, Anatoly Artamonov emphasised that the airport «Kaluga» opens new opportunities for the region both in the sphere of tourism development and in business environment.

According to the words of the general director of “Kaluga” airport – Salavat Kutushev, the first international schedule flight will be done in September. “The implementation of the flights to Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and to other countries in the world will be started in September. In the planning stage there are flights in 15 directions, such as Braunschweig, Frankfurt on the Main, Munich, Gothenburg, Stockholm, Prague, Vienna, Brussels, Paris, Madrid, Dubai, Antalya, Bodrum, Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh, Kiev, Minsk, Erevan, Dyushambe, Bishkek, Astana, Almaty, Tashkent», - Salavat Kutushev added.

In the nearest time there will be new internal directions such as Nizhni Novgorod, Kazan, Saratov. “We suppose, that till the 1st of September we will start the implementation of the flights. The implementation of the flights in these directions will operate «Dexter» company – Salavat Kutushev commented.  

The international airport “Kaluga” is an unequalled project according to a speed of construction, fundings, technologies and the time of implementation. The flight landing strip (the length 2200 m, width 45 m) was fully reconstructed in 5 months period. Taxi tracks, platforms, stations of airplanes were constructed also for this period of time.  The systems of aerial navigation were also fully rebuilt  and the system of lighting facilities was fixed in accordance with the first category of International Civil Aviation Organization. Less than a year has passed since the beginning of construction.

The Russian Federation Government Executive Order:


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