Anatoly Artamonov, Kaluga Region Governor, visited Kaluga Airport on October 29, 2014.

The airport runway reconstruction is almost complete. Currently the runway joints are being treated, protective screens are being installed, and the airfield is being levelled and improved.

Anatoly Artamonov said that the airport reconstruction was going on in accordance with the schedule. The first runway test flight is to take place in December. Immediately after that Kaluga airport will get a status of an international airport.    The airport is to be commissioned in 2015.  


Airport area – about 200 ha.

Runway dimensions – 2,200х45 m.

Status – international airport.

Aircraft maximum take-off weight  – Class 2.

Capacity – 100 passengers/hour.

Expected passenger flow by 2030 – up to 500,000.


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