Almost 914 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget for its reconstruction. Last year, the airport project team completed work on design documents, secured a positive state examination review, and prepared the construction site and infrastructure. The scope of works planned for 2014 is tremendous: complete reconstruction of the runway and all airport infrastructure, construction of the passenger terminal, drainage system, patrol road and fence, installation of modern navigation and lighting equipment.

After full reconstruction, the airport will be assigned international status. By 2030, annual passenger traffic is estimated to reach half a million people. According to Anatoly Artamonov, Kaluga Airport will be a true investment gateway to Kaluga Region.

The Kaluga International Airport project is implemented alongside another one, the reconstruction of Yermolino Airport in Borovsk District near Vorsino Industrial Park. While Yermolino is to become part of the Moscow air transport hub intended to take some pressure off the capitol’s airports, Kaluga is positioned as the reserve “aerial gateway” to the Moscow Region. The airport is planned for use for regular and charter international flights as well as internal flights – to Russian automotive clusters in Samara, St. Petersburg, and Nizhny Novgorod. The estimated payback period for the project is 15-20 years.


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