On January 22 in Yukhnov District of Kaluga Region the grand opening of a meat farm based on Vasily Semochko’s peasant farm took place. The Minister of Agriculture of Kaluga Region, Leonid Gromov, attended the event.

Today there are 130  head of cattle, including 80 head of cows and 2 Hereford bulls.

In 2014 the peasant farm produced more than 22 tons of cattle meat. There are 240 ha of agricultural land at the disposal of the farm.

Leonid Gromov underlined the importance of the implementation of agricultural projects under modern economic conditions. “In the New Year we will keep on developing the farm sector and solve new problems, such as the problem of giving the Region  safety of the food supply. To solve this task we have all the necessary financial resources - subsidized credits, preferential loans and security guarantees from the entrepreneurship support fund. I also would like to draw your attention to our programmes for family farms and for those farmers who only start their activity. These programmes give farmers an opportunity to make their business successful”- Leonid Gromov commented


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