
AstraZeneca Russia Completes the First Stage of Automation of its New Plant in Kaluga

AstraZeneca Russia announced the completion of the first phase of its manufacturing process automation based on a global SAP ERP solution with support from Accenture (NYSE: ACN). The main goal of the project that was launched in 2012 is to prepare the company’s key business processes for the launch of AstraZeneca’s Russian pharmaceutical plant. The company has completed a detailed elaboration of primary and secondary packaging processes for its production unit and performed a localization of the global ERP solution that was customized to AstraZeneca’s business objectives in Russia.

Accenture was selected as AstraZeneca’s local partner for implementing SAP ERP in Russia as part of AstraZeneca’s global program for localization of full-cycle drug manufacturing.

Special attention is focused on the SAP ERP quality management function that embraces all production stages – from acquisition of raw materials to the approval of finished products for sale by the authorized officer. Thus, the system allows full control over the company’s production chain, which is a necessary and highly important condition for a pharmaceutical business.

AstraZeneca Russia plans to launch local production of more than 30 innovative products, with annual capacity of up to 25 million packages (packaging phase). Such volumes require high performance from the ERP system, which is the main instrument for managing the company’s business processes with consideration of all requirements of Russian legislation.

“Automation of AstraZeneca’s key business functions is a very important step for the upcoming launch of out packaging line – the first phase of construction of our own high tech plant in Russia. The opening of the plant in scheduled for the second half of 2014, - says Gennady Piatsky, General Director of AstraZeneca Industries (production). – The system will allow us to fully manage the company’s production operations in Russia, and, after its development on phase 2, to successfully implement the strategy for developing full-cycle pharmaceutical production in Russia”.


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