
AutoEvolution 2015: the fundamentals of auto industry and analysts’ forecasts

AutoEvolution 2015, the international forum on automotive and auto component industry development in Russia, is to be held on September 8, 2015 in Kaluga. The forum became an authoritative business venue, where the representatives of the Government, the manufacturers of automobiles and automotive components, experts and analysts discuss essential issues of the automotive industry, exchange effective technologies and management decisions, find new contacts and ideas for the business development in complicated economic conditions. The forum is conducted by the business newspaper Vedomosti upon an initiative of the Government of Kaluga Region with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The participants of the forum will estimate the condition of the automotive industry, will suggest business strategies for the Russian auto industry development in general and its separate sectors in particular, and consider the scenarios of further automotive industry development. The autumn meeting of market insiders will let measure the outcomes of anti-crisis actions, undertaken by companies and the Government, and realize the perspectives of market renewal.


The scope of the event

The dialog between participants and controllers of the market; individual meetings with partners in the format 1:1 (Matchmaking Event); excursions to enterprises of Kaluga Region automotive cluster.


Key topics to be discussed:

  • The future of the sector under conditions of dramatic decline in demand. How can the market insiders preserve competitiveness and efficiency?
  • How do the companies use monetary conditions on the market for objective rivalry?
  • The results of anti-crisis actions, undertaken by business and the Government. What effect did the measures have?
  • Is the current policy of state aid measures capable of providing the development of the Russian automotive industry in the future? What additional steps are necessary for the systematic development? What should be the new strategy of the industry development?
  • How is it possible to encourage the development of the automotive industry in Russia?
  • How will the export of cars from Russia develop? What kind of support is it necessary to have from the Government?


We invite to take part in the forum:

The representatives of the government establishments on different levels, of territorial entities of the RF, of controlling services, certification and standardization authorities. Top and medium-level managers of international and Russian automotive multicorporate enterprises, enterprises and companies, which are manufacturers of automotive components; procurement directors, chief technology officers, development directors and HR. The representatives of dealership, financial institutions, noncommercial associations and professional associations. Shareholders and investors, business owners, persons, who are responsible for strategic decisions, leading experts and market analysts, experts of international level; the representatives of business media.


Invited to participate:

Anatoly Artamonov, temporarily assuming the responsibilities of the Governor of Kaluga Region

Peter Andersson, CEO of Volvo Group in Russia;

Shi Jun, CEO of Fuyao Steklo Rus;

Jean Christophe Marchal, CEO of Peugeot Citroёn Mitsubishi Automobiles Rus ООО;

Adil Shirinov, SVP and executive director of Ford Sollers;

Sergei Tselikov, CEO of Autostat;

Sergey Kogoghin, CEO of KAMAZ;

Chun Mont-ku, president and Chairman of the Management Committee of Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group;

Marcus Osegowitsch, CEO of Volkswagen Group Rus OOO etc.


For more detailed information about AutoEvolution 2015 please visit

Media accreditation

For the journalists, who are interested in obtaining accreditation, it is necessary to fill out an application on the Web site no later than 3 working days before the event. The newspaper Vedomosti reserves the right to refuse in accreditation.

All the accredited journalists will receive a confirmation letter no later than 2 working days before the event. The printed confirmation should be delivered to the registration counter; otherwise, you will not have an access to the event.

For practical arrangements you may get in contact with the representative of the Agency for Regional Development of Kaluga Region Churikova Olga,  +7 (4842) 27 87 86 (ad. 150), +7 (919)-030-12-25


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