AutoEvolution 2016, the VIII international forum for development of automotive industry and auto component production in Russia will be held in Kaluga on October 14, 2016. The forum has become a popular venue where representatives of government authorities, manufacturers of vehicles and components, experts and analysts discuss popular automotive industry issues, share best production and management practices, find new contacts and ideas for development of business under hard economic conditions. The forum is organized by Vedomosty business daily upon the Kaluga Region Government initiative.  

This fall the Russian Government is to present an entirely new concept for the automotive industry development. The new concept prior objective is to promote export operations.  The government officials plan to sell up to 25%  of all vehicles produced in Russia in foreign markets. However, how to reach the objective taking into account the fact that the sales of new cars go down? Which steps may promote customer spending and demand for cars both in Russia and abroad? Which strategy the Russian Government selects for the automotive industry?  

The forum participants will appraise the current standing of the automotive industry, propose business strategies for the Russian automotive industry in general, and its certain segments, as well as review future industry development scenarios. 

The forum itinerary provides for visits to  Kaluga Region automotive industry cluster production facilities namely, Volkswagen Group Rus OOO, Peugeot Citroen Mitsubishi Automotive Rus OOO, Continental Kaluga OOO.

Continental will also held a press conference dedicated to the 3rd anniversary of its plant operation in Kaluga.

Event format

Dialog between market participants and regulatory authorities; individual meetings with partners (Matchmaking Event); visits to Kaluga Region automotive industry cluster production facilities.

Key Discussion Subjects:

  • Automotive industry development government strategy. Objectives, prospects, opportunities.
  • Overcoming crisis: remaining players;
  • Government export challenge. Are there any chances to attain the objectives?
  • Government support and social issues: interaction mechanism.


Anatoly Artamonov, Governor, Kaluga Region;

Alexander Morozov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;

Christoph Bergeron, Chairman of the Board, PCMA Rus;

Georgy Rotov, Director General, Continental Kaluga;

Sergey Tselikov, Director General, Autostat;

Gennady Pavlov, Director, Cheri Cars Rus;

Vladimir Mozhenkov, President, ROAD.


For more information on AutoEvolution 2016 please visit

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