Economic and social development of Lyudinovo District will be advanced by active modernization of traditional enterprises and creation of new ones.

On February 11, Kaluga Region’s governor Anatoly Artamonov paid a working visit to Lyudinovo District.

The head of the region inspected the construction site of the Lyudinovo special economic zone, acquainted himself with the operation of Hydro-Service LLC, an auto components manufacturing company, and visited several of the district center’s socially significant institutions.

During the visit, Anatoly Artamonov participated in a joint meeting of administrations of Lyudinovo and Lyudinovo District, regional ministers and representatives of local branches of the region’s federal executive bodies.

Daniil Aganichev, head of the district’s administration, presented a report on the results of the municipality’s social and economic development in 2013. He noted that in the report period the district’s budget revenues were RUR 835 million, or 8.6% greater than in the preceding year. Lyudinovo’s major industrial enterprises went through modernizations, mastering production of high potential products. 

There was progress in work on the Lyudinovo special economic zone. All types of geotechnical surveys were completed, technical specifications for utility connections obtained, and the draft layout developed. 2014 will be a decisive year in the development of the SEZ. Expected results include creation of more than 4,500 new jobs, new community facilities, residences and a well-developed road infrastructure.

Last year, Green Lines Kaluga Agricultural Company expanded the area of its intensive cultivation gardens by 63 hectares and increased its sheep stock. More than 120 million rubles was invested in its development. 

Anatoly Artamonov gave a positive general assessment to the work of the municipal government, naming Lyudinovo District one of the most promising in the region. He noted that this status would be supported by both development of traditional enterprises and creation of new ones at the Lyudinovo special economic zone. “We have already invested 600 million rubles in its development from the regional budget, and more than 2 billion rubles was invested from the federal budget. The number of candidates for these 300 hectares has already exceeded our capabilities, so we are going to consider expanding the site. If everything turns out as planned, this will be one of the most beautiful projects in the world”, the governor said. He also emphasized that the development of the municipality’s economy would contribute to the wellbeing of its residents.

Based on materials provided by Kaluga Region Government’s Press Service


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