
Continental Strengthens Positions in Russia by Opening a Third Plant in Kaluga

On July 1, Continental held the official opening ceremony for its third plant at Kaluga’s Rosva industrial park. The new facility will manufacture air conditioning and power steering systems for automobiles

Continental invested EUR 17 million in the construction of its new enterprise. By the end of 2014, the production capacity of the Russian ContiTech plant is supposed to reach 700,000 units, and in early 2015 – over 1.5 million units. The new facility in Kaluga will manufacture components for air conditioning and power steering systems of automobiles. The plant’s products will be supplied to car manufacturers on the Russian market. ContiTech Continental’s main advantage will be its wide range of products and their compliance with high European standards of quality.

The opening of the new ContiTech plant resulted in the creation of 90 jobs. By the end of the year, the plant intends to recruit 50 more specialists, and by 2015 their number is expected to reach 160. The first employees have already completed training in Germany, where they learned from experience of the industry’s leading specialists.



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