TransRussia, the 21st International Exhibition for Transport and Logistics Services and Technologies is to be held in Moscow on April 19-22, 2016. The exhibition agenda features conferences, workshops and presentations. Forwarding companies, railway, marine, air and road transportation services’ providers, warehousing equipment manufacturers, warehouse operators, developers of IT solutions for the transportation industry, transportation equipment manufacturers (containers, motor transport, aviation and railway equipment), providers of relevant services (customs, insurance, consulting) are to attend the event.

Freight Village RU is to take part in the exhibition on behalf of Kaluga Region. The company will present Freight Village Vorsino transport and logistics terminal based on a freight village concept.  Freight Village Vorsino is a part of Vorsino industrial park. It occupies a territory of over 570 ha at New Moscow – Kaluga Region border.  

Freight Village Vorsino is a pilot project providing for development of logistics infrastructure meeting new European standards.  Today Freight Village Vorsino is an element of Moscow Railway Hub development master plan. It is also on the list of terminals to process Moscow cargo flow. The logistics facility includes a railway yard, motor transport and container terminals, a warehousing facility and motor roads.    

The container terminal capacity equals 150,000 TEUs per annum. It is to be increased in the future to 500,000 TEUs per annum. Currently a construction project providing for expansion of a container yard to 5 ha is under way. A customs post was established in Freight Village Vorsino in 2013.

TransRussia is organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation with the support of the State Duma Committee for Transport, the Federal Transport Supervisory Service, the federal Railways Agency, the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency, Russian Railways OAO, Russian Forwarders Association and other federal agencies and industry associations.  




Kaluga Region Government pays particular attention to the development of transport and logistics industry.  For instance, there are freight village multimodal transport and logistics terminals, customs and warehousing facilities in the region. Motor road, railroad and air transport infrastructure is being developed.

Kaluga International Airport is an unrivaled project in terms of the time of its implementation, financing, technologies and speed of construction. Its runway (length – 2,200 m, width – 45 m) was fully modernized in mere 5 months. Simultaneously taxi  ways, apron, and ramp were built, air navigation systems were replaced, and lighting navigation aids meeting ICAO Category I standard were installed in less than a year.

Ermolino airport is to become another project to support the air transportation infrastructure development. As it is located in the vicinity of Moscow, it may become a cargo port, a major cargo processing center, which is to promote further development of Kaluga Region logistics industry.


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