On August 1, 2013 Viktor Zubkov, Chairman of the Board of Gazprom OAO, paid a visit to Kaluga Region.  Together with Kaluga Region Governor Anatoly Artamonov he visited Vorobie gas distribution station located in Zhukov District.  The gas distribution station was revamped under Gazprom OAO investment program. Its commissioning will help too significantly improve situation with natural gas supply to Vorsino industrial park as well as to future consumers in  Borovsk and Zhukov districts.

In Belousovo Anatoly Artamonov and Viktor Zubkov attended the official ceremony dedicated to opening of Fakel physical training and sports center. The new facility includes a swimming pool, a universal gym, several specialized gyms, including a gym for disabled people. Similar . physical training and sports centers are being built in  Sukhinichi, Meschovsk and Baryatino under Gazprom to Children program.


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