On January 23, a meeting of the Coordination Board on the industry and technologies development under the Governor was held. The participants discussed the results of the previous year and forms of the Government support, which had been established to stimulate the development of the industrial complex in the current economic situation.

When beginning the meeting, the Governor of Kaluga Region, Anatoly Artamonov told about the results of the industrial complex work of the last year. The production volume increased by 2,9%. The Region takes the 1st place in the volumes of the products made by manufacturing enterprises.

Head of industry and transport department, Vladimir Stroganov made a presentation of the forms of the Government support. He mentioned that the main industry support was realized within the State Programme “Industry development and the increase of its competitiveness,” The enterprises of Kaluga Region can get support in accordance with 5 subprogrammes already now.

A significant measure of financial support on the regional level is the provision of property and income tax benefits to those organizations who decide to carry out modernization and technical upgrading of their production.

Vladimir Stroganov: “We consider that these new economic conditions are not the reason to stop this support. On the contrary, this gives us new opportunities. The validity term of the regional legislation concerning preferential tax treatment must be elongated. This is an expansionary action of the economic growth.”


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