
The Governor spoke to LifeNews on results of the first rating of the Civil Society Development Foundation

In an interview to LifeNews web portal, Kaluga Region’s Governor Anatoly Artamonov commented on the results of the first rating of regional leaders’ efficiency prepared by the Civil Society Development Foundation.

Specifically, Anatoly Artamonov said: “It is very flattering to have our work assessed so highly. Still, high ratings and exceptional evaluations are not what we work for. I was born here, so every positive change that people note, that I note, is important for me. These are all results of our mutual efforts.

The measurement system used for the rating is rather universal. I, on the other hand, stand by the opinion that in a country as big as Russia we should, maybe, focus on several territories with comparable opportunities. These opportunities depend on demographics, on local traditions, which include question-answering traditions; they depend on natural and climatic conditions. All these circumstances need to be taken into account. We should identify three or four territories that are capable to compete with each other. Then the heads of different regions would be able to participate with higher chances for success”.


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