On December 17, 2015 three Kaluga Region industrial parks, namely Rosva, Grabtsevo, and Kaluga-Yug, received certificates confirming their compliance with the characteristics and basic Russian and global standards. The certificates were issued by the Association of Industrial Parks of Russia.   

The certification objective is to provide correct and standardized information on the industrial site to help investors choose land plots for their business development projects. The certificate confirms that the industrial parks meet all key requirements of Requirements to Industrial Parks  Russian Federation National Standard (GOST R 56301 – 2014).

On September 1, 2015  the Association of Industrial Parks of Russia introduced a Voluntary Certification System for Industrial Parks under Requirements to Industrial Parks  Russian Federation National Standard (GOST R 56301 – 2014).  This standard has become an official recognition of the Association of Industrial Parks of Russia certification system applied for five years and the requirements to industrial parks developed with due consideration of the industry members’ opinion.    

Ten industrial parks, including three Kaluga Region industrial parks have obtained certificates confirming their compliance with the GOST requirements.


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