On January 21, 2013 a Kaluga Region Government meeting was held to discuss Kaluga Region investment strategy for the period till 2020.

The new strategy was elaborated on the basis  of the strategy for social and economic development till 2030. The key message of the new strategy is the following: investments should be human-centered.

The new document describes the key directions for business development support in Kaluga Region and the capitalization increase. When presenting the project, Vladimir Popov, Kaluga Region Minister for Economic Development, noted that the measures to be implemented under the new strategy provided for further improvement of investment attraction mechanisms, as well expansion in the state support to investment and innovative activities. The key focus will be on training of specialists required by hi-tech and innovative companies.

When speaking of the great importance of brining investments to the region, Anatoly Artamonov recommended local authorities to be more active and pay particular attention to specific social and economic features of each municipal district or municipality. Apart from that, the governor instructed the attendees to focus more on Lyudinovo and Lyudinovo District where a new industrial special economic zone was being established and at least four new agro tourism facilities were planned for construction.


Investment digest

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