
Investors Value High Professionalism of Kaluga Region Government and the Region’s Reputation

On October 23-24, 2013 the Second Moscow International Forum for Foreign Investments was held. Ruslan Zalivatsky, Deputy Governor of Kaluga Region took part in Regional Investment Policy plenary session. 

Foreign companies’ representatives, heads of Russian regions and experts discusses specific issues of cooperation, selection criteria and tools used to inform investors on new development opportunities and existing projects.  

According to investors the list of favorable investment climate factors includes human factor (general business culture and atmosphere) lack of bureaucratic obstacles, as well as constant improvement of mechanisms to interact with the business community.

Gennady Pyatsky, Director General of innovative biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca Industries (Russia), noted that investors pay much attention to the existing infrastructure when selecting a region to implement their projects. He said: “Kaluga Region was a pleasant surprise for us if we speak of infrastructure. Kaluga Region’s industrial parks and high professionalism of the regional government played the decisive role when we selected a place to implement our project. Human resources are vital as well. Currently we do not face any shortage of HR. Many people return from Moscow to Obninsk”.   

When speaking of ten industrial parks established in Kaluga Region  and Lyudinovo special economic zone Ruslan Zalivatsky mentioned that was necessary to support the formation of new logistics centers to ensure the integrated development of the region.  It is worth mentioning that the largest logistics center of global scale, Freight Village Kaluga, is being built in Kaluga Region. The new facility is relieve the traffic load in the Moscow hub.


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