
Kaluga - St. Petersburg: exchange of experience and prospects for collaboration

From 20th to 22nd of May Kaluga region is receiving the delegation from St. Petersburg with cultural and business mission. The aim of the trip isn’t only in the discussion of collaboration in different spheres or in the exchange of experience about congenial investment climate, but also in the close acquaintance of the representatives from Kaluga Region with the industrial and innovation potential of St. Petersburg.

In the delegation from St. Petersburg there’re the representatives of executive State Government bodies, cultural figures, the directors of enterprises and organizations.

In his welcome speech the Minister of industry and small business of Kaluga region, Vladimir Stroganov, expressed confidence that the meeting would promote mutual regional projects.

In his turn the chairman of the St. Petersburg committee for industrial policy and innovations, Maxim Meyksin marked that the cultural capital was interested in the collaboration with Kaluga region in such spheres as the pharmaceutical industry, agriculture, IT etc.

In the course of the official meeting they signed the agreement on the collaboration between the Association for the Development of Entrepreneurship «St. Petersburg Interregional Information and Business Center» and the chamber of commerce and industry of Kaluga region.

Besides, during this visit the familiarization with the infrastructure projects of Kaluga region has been planned. The delegation from St. Petersburg will visit the industrial parks "Grabtsevo" and "Kaluga-South".


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