On April 4 KalugaInternationalSchool was visited by representatives from the International Baccalaureate Consultancy led by Tatiana Lopukhina.

Kaluga International School plans to obtain accreditation as an educational institution teaching in accordance with the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. IB programs are recognized in 141 countries and give advantages in joining the world’s best universities.  

IB programs are developed as international programs adjusted to comply with national educational programs, thus allowing students to easily integrate into the learning process when joining the school or after being transferred to another one.

Tatiana Lopukhina acquainted herself with the work of Kaluga International School, its teaching methods, specifics of the educational process, and qualifications of the teaching staff. “For me, it is always important to provide constructive recommendations that will help the establishment successfully pass the IB authorization procedure, and this school has everything to comply with international standards”, commented Tatiana Lopukhina.


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