
Kaluga Region and Russian Railway Lines have contracted a memorandum on cooperation

On the 9th of September in Kaluga the temporarily assuming the responsibilities of the Governor of the region Anatoly Artamonov and the president of «Russian Railway Lines» JSC Oleg Belozerov signed a memorandum on cooperation between the Government of Kaluga Region and «Russian Railway Lines» JSC.

The document implicates further development of transport connection projects, the realization of mutual programmes in the sphere of innovative development of railway engineering on the territory of our region, as well as the co-operation for achieving the effectiveness of passenger regional railway services.

Commenting upon the perspectives of two parts interaction, Anatoly Artamonov underlined: «The memorandum, which we’ve signed, gives us an opportunity to get more effective co-operation going with Russian Railway Lines in the best interests of Kaluga citizens. The Government of the region will support, then and there, the enterprises of the Russian Railway Lines and will create the conditions for their effective work. In our turn, we hope that the activities of Russian Railway Lines Company will promote the double quick development of our region». 


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