
Kaluga Region at Open Innovations 2014: from Private Investments to the Knowledge Economy

On October 14-16, Moscow is hosting the third international Open Innovations Forum and Expo 2014. The major international event was established to promote innovations and innovation activities in the Russian Federation, to demonstrate advanced designs and technologies, to create a platform for open interaction of the state with Russian and international technological communities, and to facilitate the development of a system of innovative entrepreneurship. The forum brought together representatives of major companies, scientific and expert communities and governmental agencies.

This year, the forum’s partner country was the People’s Republic of China. In his welcome address, the Chairman of the Russian Government Dmitry Medvedev noted that a union between scientific and business communities will provide a new direction for collaboration between the two countries. Li Keqiang, Premier of the People’s Republic of China, was this year’s honored guest of the forum.

Kaluga Region presented the infrastructure for development of innovation activities and science-driven clusters: automotive, pharmaceutical, bio technology and biomedicine, information and communication technologies, aerospace technologies and polymer composite materials and constructions. The focus was directed at 24 regional projects. Kaluga Region’s potential for innovations was presented by Ilya Veselov, General Director of the Agency for Regional Development.

OFK-Cardio demonstrated its Card-Info project that allows diagnosis of myocardial infraction by examining fatty acid binding protein (FABP).

Kaluga-based Mega Epitech presented a specialized series of GaAs-GaAlAs heterostructures.

Obninsk research and development company Technologia demonstrated new products for protection and improvement of technical and tactical properties of various objects, including conical, cylindrical and biconical cowling, side transparency with multifunctional coating for TU-160 aircrafts, fin boxes and tail unit stabilizers for MS-21s.

Kaluga Instrument Engineering Plant’s participation in the expo has already become a tradition. This year, the plant exhibited its Pandora LED photodiode street and industrial lighting fixtures.

Expo participants and guests were especially interested in innovations developed by young inventors. Among them – Leonid Pityk’s device for enhancement of human physical abilities (pneumoexoskeleton). The exoskeleton is a wearable reinforced carcass suit with special equipment. 




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