On October 11, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce are organizing the IX Russia-China Economic Forum in Sochi. The forum will be attended by more than 400 government representatives, businessmen, members of industry and inter-industry unions and associations from Russia and China. Kaluga Region’s delegation will be led by First Deputy Governor Alexei Laptev.

The forum will focus on Russian-Chinese cooperation in high technologies and package equipment supplies, in the financial sector, infrastructure construction and agriculture. Alexei Laptev will participate in the plenary session entitled “Russia and China Heading to Global Integration”.

The second half of the congress day will be dedicated to the roundtable “Russian-Chinese Cooperation in Infrastructure Construction”. Ilya Veselov, General Director of the Agency for Regional Development of Kaluga Region, will speak about the development of regional infrastructures with participation of Chinese companies, using Kaluga Region as an example.   

In 2013, the foreign trade turnover between Kaluga Region and China increased by almost 32% reaching USD 875 million. In the first half of 2014 is was USD 360 million. The share of the turnover with China is around 8%. China is Kaluga Region’s second biggest trading partner after Germany.

There are currently two Chinese automotive companies operating in the region – glass manufacturer Fuyao Glass Industry Group and Yapp Rus Automotive System, manufacturer of fuel systems for passenger cars.

Apart from building their own production facilities, Chinese companies provide equipment for innovative objects, including the biggest Russian cement plant of the Lafarge group. Petra-Haihua is involved in the reconstruction of the runway of Kaluga international airport. The region’s scientific and educational institutions collaborate with organizations from China as well. Also under current review are the possibilities for cooperation in the field of railway and air transport. 


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