The 6th Gaidar Forum, Russia and World: Future Outlook, is to be held in Moscow on January  13 – 15, 2016. Gaidar Forum is a major economics scientific event held annually in Russia.   About 5,000 top financiers and businessmen from Russia, EU, the USA, China and other countries of the world as well as prominent politicians and scientists are to attend the forum.  For instance, Alexey Ulyukaev, the Minister for Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Abyzov, the Minister of the Russian Federation, as well as principals of the Russian Academy of Economy and  Civil Service, Higher School of Economics and All-Russian Foreign Trade Academy will act as experts at discussion forums.  Alexey Laptev, Deputy Governor of Kaluga Region, is to attend Innovative Business in Russian Regions session. Apart from that, the Russian Academy of Economy and  Civil Service in cooperation with the Association of Russian Innovative Regions is to present its rating.   

The forum discussions will be focused on the main trends of the social, economic and political development of Russia, its business environment and investment climate, as well as the prospects of its future development and integration in the global economy.  Kaluga region, for instance, has developed successful business cooperation with many countries. Currently 160 investment projects are being implemented in the region by companies from 30 countries of the world.  

The forum attendees are to discuss Strategy 2030 program. According to official sources, the document “is to determine the main principles for efficient cooperation between the government authorities, business community and civil society   to protect national interests, ensure social and economic development, and improve the life quality. The experts will also discuss in detail food security issues, import substitution programs, which do not affect the country’s export potential, and the national economy development.     

The forum was established in 2010 in commemoration of Egor Gaidar, a prominent Russian economist,  who stood behind Russian economic reforms of the early 1990s.  The forum has become a major political and economic event in Russia. It is a unique venue for discussions between economics theorists and entrepreneurs, leading global scientists and politicians, top bankers and businessmen.    

Gaidar Forum organizers: the Russian Academy of Economy and  Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation,  Egor Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy.

For more detailed information on Gaidar Forum please visit:


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