On the 28th-29th of May in the capital of China, Beijing, an investment road-show AccEssMeeting China-Russia was held: Annual Investment Road Show 2015 for the regions and businesses in the Russian Federation. The Director General of the Agency for regional development, Ilya Veselov was at the head of the Kaluga Region delegation.

In Beijing the Russian delegation presented its investment portfolio to the main state institutions, governmental and private investment funds, financial and banking structures and institutions of development and also to the line ministries and  to the administrations of  China. The participation within the framework of a new geo-economic situation let bring out the potential of the Russian projects of the complex exploration of urban lands, energy commodity area, the objects of commercial property, agroindustrial projects, and also give a stimulus to the effective pragmatic dialogue of the parties.

Let’s put in remembrance, that on the territory of Kaluga region there’re several Chinese enterprises of automotive industry – «Fuyao Glass Industry Group», producing glass and «Yapp Rus Automotive System», producing fuel supply systems for motor cars.

Alongside with the distribution of production assets, Chinese companies take part in the technological infrastructure of innovative objects, including one of the largest cement plants in Russia «Lafarge». And the company «Petra-Haihua» was engaged in the reconstruction of the air strip of the international airport «Kaluga».

The collaboration with Chinese organizations in our region is perfomed by our scientific and educational institutions. Kaluga region is interested in the development of cultural contacts, the information exchange in the sphere of elaborations and new technologies . The variants of interaction with Chinese firms in the sphere of railway and aircraft transport, information technologies and construction industry are also regarded. 



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