
Kaluga Region to demonstrate its economic potential at First Russia-China Expo-2014

Kaluga Region will take part in First Russia-China Expo-2014 in Harbin, Heilongjiang, from June 30 till July 4. “New Platform – New Opportunities” is the slogan of this exhibition.  Large-scale infrastructural projects of the region will be presented as a part of single Russian group stand promoting development of modern high-tech production. In particular, industrial parks, Lyudinovo Industrial Special Economic Zone, multimodal transport and logistics complexes of Kaluga Region will be in the spotlight of exhibition visitors.  

Kaluga Region has business relations with many countries based on confidence and mutually beneficial cooperation. Pursuing consistent cooperation with investors Kaluga Region was one of first central Russia regions, who managed to establish business dialog with Chinese big industrial business representatives. Today Chinese car manufacturers, Fuyao Glass Industry Group (car glass manufacturing) and Yapp Rus Automotive System (car fuel system manufacturing) operate at the territory of the region.

Complementary to production facilities Chinese companies take part in technical equipment of innovation facilities, including equipment of Lafarge cement plant, the major plant in Russia. Petra-Haihua Company participates in modernization of runway for Kaluga international airport. Additionally, research and educational institutions of the region are involved in cooperation with Chinese institutions. Cooperation options with Chinese railway and aviation companies are also under consideration. 


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