On May 22, 2019 Anatoly Artamonov, Kaluga Region Governor, took part in a ceremony dedicated to opening of Vietnamese Т&Т Group Russian representative office (T&T Russia OOO).

Nguyen Suan Phuk, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, was an honored guest at the ceremony.

The event took place within the framework of Russia-Vietnam / Vietnam-Russia bilateral years of  2019–2020. Furthermore, the countries also celebrate other important anniversaries in their relations, namely the 70th year since the establishment of diplomatic relations and the 25th anniversary of signing of the Agreement on Friendly Relations’ Basics.   

In the course of the event Governor Anatoly Artamonov and Do Kuang Hien, Chairman of the Board, Т&Т Group signed a protocol of intentions.

In the document the parties expressed their mutual interest in long mutually beneficial relations and the company’s business expansion in Russia.  The parties have studied opportunities to implement a number of investment projects in the field of agriculture, logistics,  mineral extraction and healthcare in Kaluga Region.

According to Governor Anatoly Artamonov, the signing of the protocol with  T&T Group clearly demonstrates  the strengthening of relations between Kaluga Region and Vietnamese business community. He said: “Our cooperation with T&T Group, one of the largest Vietnamese business groups operating in various market segments, grants good opportunities to Kaluga Region to ensure development of different industries. We will do our best to make the presence of Vietnamese businesses in the region stable and comfortable. I hope all our projects will be successfully implemented”.   

Do Kuang Hien  in his turn highly praised the investment climate of Kaluga Region.



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