
Kaluga Region is among the regions with the highest politico social stability

There is the result of the ranking of the Fund «St. Petersburg politics» in September, 2015.

This ranking is published every month since autumn of 2012. The level of politico social stability in all the subjects of the Russian Federation is determined by experts according to 10 points scale. Kaluga Region received 8 points and passed from the group with high stability to the group of regions with the highest politico social stability.   

Among the leaders there is the Kemerovo Region, the Belgorod Region, the Leningrad Region, the Penza Region, the Tambov Region, the Tyumen Region, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Kamchatka Region, Chukotka Autonomous Region, Yamal-Nenets autonomous district. 

As factors, which influenced on the positive conclusion of the experts, are number of important events in our region.

In political life there is a head of the region election win of Anatolii Artamonov with a result of 71,43% votes of electors and his participation in the business meeting with Vladimir Putin the previous days. In economy there is an international forum of car manufacturers “Autoevolution”, which took place in Kaluga city, the announcement  of “Volvo Group” general director in Russia – Peter Anderson about the renewing of automotive components production at Kaluga plant, start of engine production of Volkswagen group.

Among others important events there is awarding of bronze certificate «Cluster Excellence» to Kaluga pharmaceutical cluster by Europian secretariat of cluster analysis, signing of memorandum of co-operation with “Russian Railways,OAO”, the opening of distribution centre of trading network “Pyaterochka” in “Vorsino” industrial park and arrangement of the first international  ecological forum at Kaluga State University. In agricultural area there is putting into service of pig-breeding complex “Maximovskii” in Maloyaroslavets district, the opening of the 8th robotic farm in Mosalsk district and the opening of small plant for milk processing “Molochnii krai” in Lyudinovo.



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