
Kaluga Region in Sochi: from Traditional Crafts to Cultural Heritage Sites, Modern Architecture and Industrial Brands!

On February 6 – 22, Kaluga Region showcases its economic potential and attractiveness for tourism and recreation at the Central Federal Districts expo held within the scope of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games program.

On February 12, the work of this large-scale exhibition began with a welcome address by Kaluga Region’s Deputy Minister of Tourism and Culture Pavel Konovalov and a presentation of Kaluga Region.

According to the staff of the Kaluga Region exhibition stand, visitors demonstrate considerable interest in the life of Kaluga Region. Some are only interested in its economic achievements, while others come to the stand because they’re planning live or work in Kaluga, the region’s capitol.

Optina Pustyn, Nikola-Lenivets art village, Etnomir cultural and educational center, Ugra national park – this is just a small part of what Sochi’s guests could get a glimpse of on the huge plasma screen extending across the exhibition hall.

Expo visitors were happy to join Vadim Vostrikov’s Khludnevo toy master class and the performance by Polina Zamkova, key performer of the Artel folk instrumental group and laureate of many national competitions. Clay figurines assumed delightful expression and form in the hands of a true professional, and the reds, blues and yellows in the palate of their simple ornaments filled them with life, while Artel’s background music turned the entire process into true magic.

Artel has been a resident musical group at the Kolyupanov Rural Culture and Leisure Center (Kaluga) for over 10 years. The group’s leader, Evgeni Trotsenko, is a virtuoso accordionist and honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation. Polina Zamkova has been performing with the group for nearly 5 years; she’s a graduate of the Gnesin Music Academy and a folk choir methodologist at the Kaluga Regional Center of Folk Arts. The creative union of Artel’s musicians has been awarded numerous diplomas of participants, winners and laureates of regional, national and international festivals and competitions.

Reference information:

Artel members: Kazankov Alexei Sergeyevich (guitar); Klinushkin Sergei Vladimirovich (bass-balalaika, little domra); Milyutin Alexei Mikhailovich (drums).

In 2013, Artel began cooperation with the Russian Harmony Theatre (St. Petersburg). The group has recorded a compact disc and plans to do collaborative touring.


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