
Kaluga Region Representatives in the Russian Delegation to Discuss Industrial Cooperation with Iran

Trade and Industrial Dialog: Russia – Iran Russian National Industrial Exhibition is to be held in Tehran, the capital of Iran, on December 21 – 23, 2015. The event is supervised by Denis Manturov, the Minister of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation. Companies and organizations from both countries interested in establishing new business contacts and expansion and promotion of cooperation are invited to take part in the exhibition. Kaluga Region delegation is headed by Alexey Laptev, First Deputy Governor of Kaluga Region.   

The trade and industrial exhibition offers extensive business agenda, including Russia-Iran: Decades of Partnership, New Projects and Prospects plenary session and round tables for various industries.   The main focus will be on heavy and power engineering, transport and agricultural engineering, and aviation industry.  A number of B2B meetings are to be organized for top management of Russian and Iranian companies operating in the field of   steel, shipbuilding and pharmaceutical  industries.   

It is worth mentioning that 160 investment projects are being implemented in Kaluga Region. Eighty six new plants have been commissioned since 2006. Fifteen new cooperation agreements were signed in 2015.  Over 10 modern industrial clusters have been established in the region, including a pharmaceutical cluster, a cluster for polymer composite aerospace technologies, an agroindustrial cluster, an automotive cluster, a transport and logistics cluster, a construction materials cluster and a metal processing cluster.    

There are ten industrial parks in Kaluga Region with the total area of about 6,000 ha, as well as Kaluga special economic zone (its area equals  1,042 ha).

Kaluga special economic zone has two sites located in Lyudinovo and Borovsk districts. This industrial special economic zone is the closest one to Moscow in terms of distance. Its residents enjoy benefits offered by Kaluga Region Government, like residents of any other Kaluga Region industrial parks. For instance, they get access to engineering, transport and business infrastructure on beneficial terms. Apart from that there are various federal and regional tax and customs preferences provided to the SEZ residents. 


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