
Kaluga Region among Winners of the Competition of Pilot Programs for the Implementation of the RF Ministry of Education and Science Project

The region will be implementing the educational project involving training of staff for the region’s social and economic development.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has selected the winning entries in the competition of pilot programs for the implementation of its program “Training of Staff for Social and Economic Development of Russian Regions in 2014-2019”. The main goal of the program is to optimize the system of qualified worker and mid-level specialist training by introducing elements of dual education into the training process.

Forty two constituent subjects submitted entries for the competition, and ten were selected as winners. Among them – Kaluga Region. The staff training project will be implemented in stages over five years on the basis of selected regional pilot programs. The best practices will be introduced throughout the country.

Minister of Education and Science Alexander Anikeyev believes that the implementation of the project will result in complete renovation and modernization of the regional system of professional training by 2020.

Source: Press Department of the Government of Kaluga Region


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