September 19 was the date of the official opening ceremony for the annual regional agro-industrial exhibition fair Kaluga Autumn-2014. The event was attended by Deputy Governor Nikolai Liubimov, Minister of Agriculture Leonid Gromov and acting Mayor Konstantin Baranov.

Kaluga Autumn-2014 will showcase agricultural achievements of municipal districts, locally manufactured food products, seeds, seedlings, plant protection agents and other agro-industrial goods. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange experiences of work in the agro-industrial complex and to expand their business contacts.

It was noted that the region had achieved good results. “Grain output is 1.5 times higher than in the previous year. We are finishing the harvesting of potatoes, the second bread. Fodder conservation is in progress. There is 3% growth. This allows up to look to the future with optimism. Implementation of major projects in the dairy segment has made it possible to stabilize the situation in that direction as well”, said Leonid Gromov. 


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