On February 2 an extended meeting of the Board of the regional Ministry of Agriculture, of the veterinary committee and the regional inspection of the engineering supervision was held. The Governor of the Region, Anatoly Artamonov attended the event. The results of the work of the departments for the past year and perspective plans were being discussed.

The production gross volume of agricultural production in farms of different categories made more than 30,7 billion roubles. That is 3,6% more than in 2013.The governmental support volume has increased by 4% and reached 1,7 billion roubles.  The increase of the capital in the investment portfolio of agribusiness for the past year made 6 billions and is now exceeding 35 mln roubles.

Within the ministerial programme “the Creation of 100 robotic farms” 44 robotic installations were put into operation. In the near future more than 10 farm are to be set in operation.

The main purpose for the current year is to keep the production growth. The main efforts will be put into the import substitution of the main types of agricultural production. Among the priorities there is dairy cattle breed robotization and further development of production of all kinds of meat.

Anatoly Artamonov put an emphasis on the importance of saving the investment activity and the application of innovation technologies in the field of agribusiness: “It is important not to slow the pace. We must always strive for something new, for the best practices and knowledge.” The head of Region called the sanctions again Russia “a medal with two sides”. The markets that have appeared became the advantage for the manufacturers of agricultural production but the prices for import components, which were beyond reach were a great disadvantage. In Anatoly Artamonov’s opinion, we should develop our own production in these conditions: “This is a privilege for our manufacturers who will be able to produce these components themselves”.

In the end of the meeting, there was the rewarding of the best workers in the field of agriculture with departmental and regional rewards.


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