On May 16-21, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade is organizing a business mission to Germany and France in collaboration with the Association of Clusters and Technoparks and the Higher School of Economics. The purpose of the visit is to study advanced international experience, share best practices in development of industrial parks, industrial clusters and technoparks, and to promote Russian projects on the international level. Kaluga’s delegation will be headed by Minister of Economic Development Vladimir Popov.

The program of the business mission includes meetings with representatives of governmental executive agencies responsible for industry, professional associations and unions, visits to major European technoparks Adlershof (Berlin) and E.S.T.E.R. (France) and industrial clusters (automotive - AutoCluster.NRW, aerospace - ASTech, chemical - ChemSite and food industry - Ernährung.NRW).

According to Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Dmitry Ovsyannikov, this work is intended to raise the attractiveness of industrial parks for localization of foreign manufacturing. “More than 200 foreign companies from 25 countries have already established their production facilities in Russia. Last year alone, there were 30 foreign companies launched in our industrial parks. Priorities for 2016 are to exchange experience of industrial cluster and technopark development and to present opportunities offered by Russian projects in this sphere”, he says.

Kaluga Region is bound with Germany and France by many years of cooperation in multiple spheres.  

In recent years, Germany has become the leader by volume of foreign investments in the economy of Kaluga Region. In the first quarter of 2015, foreign trade with Germany accounted for 27.5% of Kaluga Region’s overall foreign trade turnover. The list of German investment projects implemented in Kaluga Region includes VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus LLC: Benteler Automotive LLC, manufacturer of suspension parts and modules; three Continental plants; Sherdel Kaluga LLC, manufacturer of seat frames for passenger cars; FUCKS OIL LLC, manufacturer of lubricants and related materials; AIS Automotive Interior Systems LLC,  pressurized plastic molding company based at the Aggregate Plant JSC site in Lyudinovo; MAHLE RUS LLC, a warehousing complex for supplies of products to automotive plants based in Vorsino industrial park; Hemofarm LLC, manufacturer of medicinal products; agricultural companies Grimme, Lemken, Wolf System, Big Dutchman, and Russian-German venture EcoNiva-Kaluga at Detchino agro-technical center. There are 10 Russian-German joint ventures currently registered in Kaluga.

France is also part of the group of Kaluga Region’s foreign partners. There are several projects implemented in the region by world renowned French brands – PCMA Rus (joint venture of automotive concerns PSA Peugeot Citroen and Mitsubishi Motors) and Faurecia Group automotive component manufacturing plants. Apart from the automotive industry, French capital is also present in the construction segment – Lafarge Group launched its cement plant in Kaluga Region in May 2014. Vorsino industrial park houses a plant of cosmetics giant L’Oreal. In logistics and transport, the region cooperates with GEFCO (top ten logistics company in Europe).

Kaluga Region cooperates with France in the pharmaceutical segment. Thus, Kaluga’s pharmaceutical cluster is an active participant of France’s biggest pharmaceutical cluster Eurobiomed, allowing it to participate in joint development of new diagnostic agents.

Reference Information:

Kaluga Region has 12 industrial parks with a total area of nearly 6,000 hectares and Kaluga special economic zone with an area of 1,042 hectares.

Kaluga SEZ Kaluga SEZ occupies two sites in Lyudinovo and Borovsk Districts of Kaluga Region and is the closest industrial site of its kind to Moscow. The SEZ offers all regional advantages, including access to engineering, transport and business infrastructures, as well as a number of additional federal and regional tax benefits and customs preferences. Industrial development within the SEZ will contribute to the modernization of manufacturing in southern and northern districts of Kaluga Region and create conditions for the development of high tech economic sectors.


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