
Kaluga Biotechnological complex – ROSVA : totally new level for the development of biotechnologies in Russia

On the 23d of June the grand ceremony dedicated to the process of putting into operation the elevator of the advanced wheat processing complex  “Biotechnological complex ROSVA” took place in  the Kaluga industrial park “Rosva”. Up to 180 thousand tons of wheat can be kept in the complex. Temporarily assuming the responsibilities of the Governor of Kaluga Region, Anatoly Artamonov, the Minister of agriculture, Leonid Gromov, Director General of the Biotechnological complex – Rosva, Vladimir Grromovik took part in this event.

Next year the whole unique grain-milling complex with the processing capacity upto 250 thousand tons of wheat a year will be put into operation (the maximum capacity will be 300 thousand tons). About 300 jobs are to be created at the new plant (now 35 jobs are created), total volume of  investments is more than 10 billion roubles. The complex meets all the main and acute demands of the Russian economy –innovations, import substitution on food raw materials and nutrient additives, new jobs, food supply security,  transition of the national economy from the resource-based one to the processing and highly technological.

Vladimir Gromovik accentuated, that the created complex is a serious step in the development of biotechnologies in Russia. «According to the complex of brought together innovative Russian and foreign technologies, engineering decisions and equipment the enterprise has no analogues. All processes are ecologically harmless, practically non-waste and energy-efficient», -he added.

The complex will produce manufactures, which have no analogues on the Russian market among the products of deep processing of grain – fibrin, starch, feed additives, glucose-fructose syrup, glucose monohydrate and sorbitol. The production will be supplied to the Russian market. The authorities of the enterprise are considering the export possibility.

The opening of “Biotechnological complex – Rosva“ will give an opportunity to propel Kaluga Region to the next level in the development of a high-technology sector of economy, will provide the regional agricultural producers with reliable sales market, will promote the production increase.

Vladimir Gromovik thanked the Government of Kaluga Region for support and cooperation. “The Region continues to develop dynamically and implement large-scale projects even in present difficult time due to created comfortable investment climate. Our complex is a vivid confirmation of it. I’m sure, that our enterprise will contribute to the prosperity of Kaluga Region and raising the well-being of it’s residents” – he summarized.



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