
Kaluga Pharmaceutical Cluster to Account for 14% if the Total Kaluga Region Production Output by 2020

On December 12, 2013 Kaluga Pharmaceutical Cluster press tour was organized for journalists so that they could visit a number of industrial projects being at different implementation stages. Apart from that they had a chance to hold an informal meeting with Kaluga Region Government officials and anchor investors’ representatives as well as to assess Kaluga Region investment potential.  

Kaluga Region boasts a unique experience inn the field of a pharmaceutical cluster creation.  Pursuant to the results of a contest organized by the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation in 2012 it was included in the number of 14 pilot territory innovative clusters. According to experts the key Kaluga Pharmaceutical Cluster advantage is a set of well-balanced  core elements: industrial production of dosage forms, R&D in the field of pharmaceutical substances and active molecules, personnel training for pharmaceutical industry companies as well as an existing cluster management structure.   

It is worth mentioning that the cluster consists of over 50 companies, including major anchor projects as well as small and medium innovative pharmaceutical industry companies.

Active Molecules’ Park Competence Alliance was established to ensure proper concentration of efforts and resources in the field of innovative projects implementation. In other words, it is a multi-purpose infrastructure platform to implement projects at all stages centered around a team of experts and a project management system.  Active Molecules’ Park offers expertise, dossier preparation, packing, investment support and sales.   Rakhimdzhan Roziev, Director, Active Molecules’ Park, said: “We should offer all services – from idea generation to marketing of products. Thus we train not only specialists but also managers at Active Molecules’ Park, who in their turn establish R&D partnerships”. Currently Active Molecules’ Park portfolio includes about 70 projects at different stages of implementation, two pharmaceuticals at a registration stage and one marketed pharmaceutical intended for early diagnostics of myocardial infraction. The drug was developed by Active Molecules’ Park Competence Alliance from the scratch.  .

Veroljub Ljubinkobic, Hemofarm Director General, stressed the Russian market importance for his company and pointed out that it invested over EUR 1 billion in Kaluga project.

Summing up the press tour results Vladimir Popov said that the pharmaceutical cluster is a cornerstone of Kaluga Region development. He added: “The pharmaceutical cluster is not just high added value products but also a huge R&D and innovative base, high-tech production facilities, helping us to enter the global market. According to our plans Kaluga Pharmaceutical Cluster to account for 14% if the total Kaluga Region production output by 2020”.    

Press tour organizers: the Ministry for Internal Policy and Mass Communications of Kaluga Region, the Agency for Regional Development of Kaluga Region, the Agency for Innovative Development – Center for Cluster Development of Kaluga Region.  


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