On the 1st of June in Ferzikovo settlement, Kaluga region a solemn ceremony of the anniversary of the cement plant «Lafarge» and the start-up of the workshop of alternative fuel took place. In the ceremony Kaluga Region Governor Anatoly Dmitriyevich Artamonov, the Ambassador of France in Russia Jean-Maurice Ripert, the management of Lafarge Group, in particular, the president of Lafarge Group in Russia and Ukraine Andre Martin took part.

The start-up of the workshop of alternative fuel at the Russian plant of Lafarge Group has heralded the beginning of the application of «green» technology, acknowledged advanced from the standpoint of energy efficiency and environmental protection in the whole world. The substitution of natural energy sources by alternative ones allows to solve several important environmental problems at a time: to recover waste, the storing of which pollutes air, water reservoirs and the soil of surrounding areas, and to preserve non-renewable natural resources: coal and gas.

The production capacity of the workshop of alternative fuel at Lafarge factory in Ferzikovo is calculated for 450 000 tons of incoming stock a year. This volume of raw materials after recycling gives 150 000 tons of alternative fuel, where 1 ton – 15 GJ of energy.

The company plans, that by the end of 2015 the substitution of natural gas by alternative fuel will be 15%, and by 2020 it will run up to 45%. The utilization of alternative fuel will also allow Lafarge to increase the production efficiency of cement - energy demands make up nearly a third of cost price. 

As Andre Martin marked, the start-up of the workshop is a significant event for Lafarge in Russia. «By means of this project «Lafarge» proves its devotion to the principles of sustainable development. For every city waste utilization is a primal question. It’s much better to use waste, than simply to bury it under ground. In such a manner, we help the city and develop the closed-loop economy, which encourages the preservation of non-renewable natural resources. <…> Special gratitude to the Government of Kaluga Region, which actively promoted to project implementation and provided all necessary support. We believe in the great potential of Kaluga region», – Andre Martin, the president of Lafarge Group in Russia and Ukraine explained.

The Ambassador of France in Russia Jean-Maurice Ripert underlined that France believes in Russian economy . «Our enterprises and their long-term investments confirm it. The choice of Kaluga region for the development of business is the vote of confidence», - Jean-Maurice Ripert commented on.

For reference:

In 2014 the volume of foreign trade in Kaluga region with The French Republic was 213, 4 million dollars.

On the territory of Kaluga region the French projects of world famous brands – «Peugeot -Citroen» («PCMA Rus» ООО, the cooperation management enterprise of automotive groups PSA Peugeot Citroen и Mitsubishi Motors Corporation), the plant of automotive components of the corporation Faurecia Group are realized. Apart from automotive industry, there’s French capital is in the construction industry – in May 2014 the cement plant of Lafarge Group launched its production facilities. In the industrial park «Vorsino» at the boundary of New Moscow the largest cosmetics company «L'Oréal» set its enterprise.   


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