Re-engineering as a Method for Industry Modernization international technology forum is held in Kaluga on February 2-14, 2013. Government officials and industrialists from Kaluga Region, as well as representatives of Saxony major businesses are to take part in the event.

The key Forum objective is to familiarize Kaluga businesses with business process modernization methods based on resource use efficiency improvement. Re-engineering practices will help significantly cut costs, form a solid foundation for business expansion, move to a brand new technology level and prepare for automated control systems introduction.

On the first day a round table was held focused primarily on re-engineering philosophy and principles. Dr. Manfred Liebl, Saxony Economic Development Corporation (WFS) representative in Russia, said that the traditional industry had difficulties finding new orders and personnel on  the backdrop of emergence of new companies  having modern equipment and innovative technologies. "It is necessary to stimulate modernization, introduce new and modern process to improve competitiveness of the existing companies", he said.            

The event participants also noted that it was necessary to take into consideration conditions and specific development features of a region to use re-engineering practices efficiently. For instance, a production facility should be a part of a production chain and interact with other companies. "Integration process is a key element of automotive industry", - Dr. Manfred Liebl said.


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