
Kaluga Region Receives the Status of a “Mentor Region” in Implementation of Dual Education

On January 15, Vitali Yeremeyev, Head of the Representative Office of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the Central Federal District, held a press conference for regional journalists.

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives was established to support unique socially important small and medium business projects and initiatives. “We help businesses solve problems associated with administrative barriers and insufficiency of information required for project implementation. Another key direction of ASI’s activities is the improvement of the Russian investment climate. To improve Russia’s position on the international economic platform, we recently launched the National Entrepreneurial Initiative, which consists of 13 roadmaps”, explained Vitali Yeremeyev.

ASI’s priorities also include the educational sphere. A number of pilot regions were selected for implementation of the project entitled “Training of Human Resources Meeting Requirements of High Tech Industries on the Basis of the Dual Education System”. Kaluga Region won the competition and was assigned the status of a “mentor region”, as it has experience in dual education and can provide methodological support to regions that are only planning to begin human resource training based on the new model.


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