
Kaluga Region Cluster “Pharmaceutics, Biotechnologies and Biomedicine” took the 2nd place in Russia by the ECEI methodology

On February, 27 a brainstorming “Cluster management system standard” was held within the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum. It was initiated by the Association of innovative regions of Russia (AIRR). The Director of the innovative development Department of the Ministry for economic development of Russia, A.E.Shadrin, the Executive Director of the AIRR, I.M. Bortnik, the members of the Association and the Heads of a number of line Ministries in the regions-members of AIRR, representatives of pilot territorial clusters and cluster development Centres from 11 regions took part in the meeting. The Cluster Development Centre of Kaluga Region was presented by its Director General, Anatoly Sotnikov.

The experts of AIRR presented the results of  the pilot research of the Management system in the innovative territorial clusters of the Russian Federation based on the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI). According to the results of this research, the Kaluga Region Cluster “Pharmaceutics, Biotechnologies and Biomedicine” took the 2nd place. The experts evaluated highly the activity of a specialized organization on cluster management – Agency for innovative development - cluster development Centre of Kaluga Region OAO,  by such significant indices  as  the number of maintained enterprises, the involvement of organizations into the cluster projects, the number of new participants of the cluster, the amount of personal contacts of coordinators with the cluster members etc.

 19 clusters and management companies took part in the research. The Tomsk Cluster gained  the maximum amount of points - 825.  The Kaluga Pharmaceutical Cluster (the company-coordinator is the Cluster Development Centre of Kaluga Region) and the Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan “INNOKAM” shared the 2nd place – they gained 781 points. The territory cluster of Zelenograd got the 3d place (723 points).

The participants of the meeting underlined the importance of the creation of an efficient cluster management system in Russia, and noted that it’s necessary for all the experts to understand the evaluation rates, and to structure of the rates according to criteria of significance  (very important, important, not so important).


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