On June 24, 2013 a traditional business meeting of the Investors’ Club was held in Kaluga Region Government Representative Office. The event was attended by Governor Anatoly Artamonov.   

In his welcoming speech Anatoly Artamonov mentioned Kaluga Region top priority development areas. They were determined with due consideration of Kaluga Region social and economic situation. HR-related policy, including issues related to training of medium-level specialists and engineers, is on the list of top priorities. Anatoly Artamonov noted: “Kaluga Region, creating new production facilities, prepares for new active development. Availability of well-educated professional staff is an essential prerequisite   of successful development”. In his speech Anatoly Artamonov also mentioned Kaluga International School, an educational institution well-recognized abroad.

Paul Keane who took the floor after Anatoly Artamonov spoke of the education institution’s development.  He said: “High educational standards are among the key drivers of Kaluga Region social and economic development. Our school offers educational programs meeting the highest global standards in the field of education (bachelor’s programs and Cambridge programs). We regularly check the compliance of our programs with relevant standards”. This spring a number of new language courses were opened (including German language courses)   

Olga Maneeva, RBE Cleaning Commercial Director, delivered a speech on outsourcing as an efficient business development tool at the meeting. 


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