A round table dedicated to development on inter-cluster cooperation in the automotive industry is to be organized in Kaluga on February 12, 2016. The event will take place within the framework of a visit of National Association of Automotive Components’ Manufacturers’ delegation. The discussion will be attended by representatives of Kaluga Region development institutions, Kaluga automotive cluster companies and UzAuto, a supplier of global automotive OEMs.   

The key objective of the event is to discuss the future of interregional cooperation in the automotive industry.  In the course of the visit National Association of Automotive Components’ Manufacturers delegation and UzAuto officials will review the proposals made by Kaluga Region companies as well as opportunities for development of projects in the regional automotive cluster. 

The delegation is to visit the automotive industry production facilities located in Kaluga Region industrial parks, including Volkswagen Group Rus OOO and Magna Automotive Rus AO.    

Kaluga Region automotive cluster includes three OEMs and 28 automotive component manufacturers. Many of them cooperate with the local industry. Despite the decline in the automotive industry the companies strive to improve they efficiency through increasing the degree of localization and introduction of changes to their production plans.  



National Association of Automotive Components’ Manufacturers is a non-for-profit voluntary business association. Its core purpose is to ensure full integration of the Russian industry with global automotive industry

Main goals and objectives:

•    Information sharing and improvement of contacts between automotive component manufacturers;

•    Support to investment and innovative activities of automotive component manufacturers;

•    Analysis, standardization, harmonization and administration of production processes and management systems;

•    Support in creating favorable legal business environment;

•    Representing the corporate interests with the government agencies of the Russian Federation.   


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