On June 24, 2013 Maxim Shereikin, Deputy Governor of Kaluga Region and the head of the Ministry for Information Society and Innovations of Kaluga Region, attended a press conference organized for Kaluga Region mass media. The press conference was organized by the Center for Regional Programs to Improve State and Municipal Administration under the Institute of State and Municipal Administration of the Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the Ministry for Competition Policy of Kaluga Region.  

The conference participants discussed the changes in the government procurement procedures introduced pursuant to Federal law No. 44-FZ On contracting system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal administration needs. The law provides for obligatory public discussion on acquisitions exceeding 1 billion. State authorities and local government bodies are to provide such an opportunity.  

Kaluga Region is one of seven pilot Russian  regions to test certain aspects of the new contracting system. An interdepartmental work group strive to improve legislative and regulatory compliance practices in respect of the new law. 


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