
Leonid Gornin, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation: Kaluga Has Become a Vivid Example of How a Region Should Be Developed

In advance of the Address of the Russian President which shapes the budget policy for the next three years, Leonid Gornin, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, and Andrey Nikitin, Head of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, expressed their views on the role of investment standards in social and economic development of the Russian regions. 

When answering a question on the role of the President’s decree providing for introduction of investment standards and an investment strategy, Leonid Gornin said that according to the Agency for Strategic Initiatives 57 Russian regions currently introduced such standards.  He said: “If a governor creates relevant preconditions to attract investments he gets extra income in the future. Kaluga has become a vivid example of how a region should be developed. As of May 1 (as compared to May 2012) the income tax paid to the budget in Kaluga Region grew by 120 % while the average growth in the Russian Federation equaled 112%. The success greatly depends on the team and the governor.

"Kaluga has become a vivid example of how a region should be developed".

Speaking on specific features of the investment standard introduction Andrey Nikitin said that the experience accumulated by regions leading in the field of investment climate improvement, including Kaluga Region, was used in the course of the investment standard development.  “These regions attract more investments than others. Everyone is familiar with Kaluga Region success. <…> The key issue is the efficiency of a governor as a team leader.  Kaluga Region is an excellent example of efficient distribution of roles and responsibilities within the team by the governor. Each team member attained some positive results.  They worked as a real team. They can easily manage a global company as they are an efficient team”.


Based on an interview published in Moscow News:


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