
Localization of Samsung Home Appliances Production in the Kaluga Region Has Reached 50%

Samsung Electronics plant in Kaluga region (Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga, LLC) reported on the results of localization of components and raw materials supplies for washing machines production.

Currently, the percentage of Russian industry suppliers for this category of products of the plant is about 50% of total purchases. Russian enterprises have replaced imports from China and South Korea. Next year, SERK is planning to further increase this rate in favor of domestic producers.

At present, Samsung Electronics plant in Kaluga Region established delivery of the following items from the Russian vendors for the production of washing machines: steel core of the front and rear parts of the body, holder glass resins, weight balancers, white MDF panels for the top cover (also next year it is planned to establish the supply of local silver panels). Besides, the plant products in-house drainage pumps, flood and drain hoses, machine drum wrappers of stainless steel from raw materials of Russian vendors.

In plans for the upcoming year – localization of bearing-balls, door hinges, chrome titanium door covers and drive shafts supplies. Also, the plant intends to find glass and engines suppliers among Russian companies.

"We are pleased to announce the interim results of achieving our strategic goal – the maximum localization of components and raw materials supplies for washing machines production at SERK plant. Implementation of localization allows us not only to optimize the cost of production due to advantageous offers from Russian suppliers and cuts in logistics, but also to support domestic industrial companies within the current state policy of import substitution. In the coming year we will continue implementing our strategy for the further successful development of the plant", –  said Alexey Mamushkin, Sales Director in Home Appliances Department of Samsung Electronics in Russia.


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