On 9 April 2014 Anatoly Artamonov, governor of Kaluga region, Dmitry Pumpyansky, BOD Chairman of Sinara Group, Evgeny Gritsenko, Director General at Sinara Transport Machines, and David Kirzhner, Deputy Head of Technical Policies at the Russian Railways, visited Kaluga Track and Hydraulic Machines Plant where they held a meeting on the development prospects of the local railway machine building companies: Kalugaputmash and Ludinovo Diesel Locomotive Plant.

Kalugaputmash and Ludinovo Diesel Locomotive Plant make part of Sinara Transport Machines (STM). According to official information Sinara Transport Machines (a divisional holding of Sinara Group) completed in March a purchase of the majority package of Kaluga Track and Hydraulic Machines  from Transfingroup Management Company. As a result, CTM owns a 86.61% package of the ordinary shares of the plant.

STM Holding was set up in 2007 after the purchase of Ludinovo Diesel Locomotive Plant. Now the holding has 9 companies with a total staff of about 10,000 people. Evgeny Gritsenko says that the annual revenue of the holding in 2014 amounted to RUR 37 billion. ‘The holding has three key fields of activities: locomotive building (electric and diesel locomotive building), track machines building (since the purchase of Kalugaputmash) and maintenance business’, says Evgeny Gritsenko.

Over the past 7 years the companies of the holding developed and launched in the market over 10 machine types, mostly innovative, including a double-diesel locomotive developed by the plant in Ludinovo.

New products are expected to boost the revenue of Kalugaputmash from RUR 2 billion to RUR 6.5 to 7 billion by 2018. Kalugaputmash and Remputmash have developed and adopted a RUR 1.4 billion investment program. ‘We intend to carry on with the program. The plan is to manufacture track cranes (Kalugaputmash has no competitors here), RPB-01 ballast levelling and distributing machines, vaccum harvesters, multi-purpose track-machines, etc. We also have some promising innovations’, says Evgeny Gritsenko.

David Kirzhner stressed that Russian-manufactured machines can compete with foreign-made machines.

The participants of the meeting agreed that Kaluga region has an enormous potential as regards the development of machine building. Dmitry Pumpyansky underlined intensive efforts, which will be needed to establish cooperation between machine builders in order to align the product line and to make sure they have an order portfolio.

Mr. Pumpyansky came up with the idea of concluding an agreement on strategic cooperation with the government of Kaluga region. ‘We will need to align our production development plans with the social and economic development plans of Kaluga region and to coordinate our actions in the long term’, says Mr. Pumpyansky.

Dmitry Pumpyansky, BOD Chairman of Sinara Group:

‘I would like to thank Mr. Governor for his openness, which has been taken over by the region in whole.

We cooperate not only with the governor, but also with his assistants, administration and municipalities. And I would like to thank all of them for their openness, willingness to cooperate and commitment to move forward. Kaluga region is one of few Russian regions with a very conductive environment. Kaluga region is Russia’s leader in innovations. Cooperation with the existing companies can be complicated, however, there is space for innovations and new approaches to improving the situation. Businessmen believe that Kaluga region can be a brilliant example here.’


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