On April 29, a training seminar entitled “What is Public-Private Partnership in the Russian Federation?” was held in Kaluga. The purpose of the event was to clarify the key aspects relating to the theme of the seminar, as well as to draw attention of public authorities to the potential of PPP mechanisms. Specialists and experts from leading Russian financial institutions participated in discussions of the most advanced and promising PPP models.

Ruslan Zalivatsky, Deputy Governor of Kaluga Region, noted in his welcome address that public-private partnership can and must become an efficient instrument for economic and social development. “PPP is one of the principal supporting elements of development of the regional economy’s non-industrial sectors”, he said.

Participants discussed specifics of collaboration of authorities and businesses, the spheres and mechanisms of PPP. Special attention was given to the forms of public-private partnership, including contractual PPP based on tenders and agreements (contracts). The list of concession objects is limited. It includes power engineering facilities, objects of the transport infrastructure (motorways, roadside services, railways, mass transit), social infrastructure and public utilities.

Anna Lukina, Director of the Kaluga Region Center for Public-Private Partnership, emphasized that the lead in PPP should be taken by the state. “The state should establish the conditions, on which businesses will collaborate with it. But these conditions must be clear to businesses and must be justified”, she commented.

The event was organized by the Center for Public-Private Partnership of the Agency for Regional Development of Kaluga Region with support of the Center for Business Development (Sberbank) of Kaluga Region.


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