Maxim Sokolov, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, made a visit to Kaluga Region on February 12, 2016. Together with Anatoly Artamonov, the Governor of Kaluga Region, he visited  transport and logistics infrastructure facilities located in the region, including Freight Village Ru multimodal facility (consisting of Freight Village Vorsino federal center and  Freight Village Rosva interregional center), as well as Kaluga International Airport. The Minister also took part in meetings to discuss the reconstruction of M-3 motorway and Southern Bypass Road project implementation.

Maxim Sokolov highly appreciated the speed of Kaluga Region transport and logistics industry development.  He said: “I’m highly impressed by how dynamically the region infrastructure is being developed. The projects, which were regarded as very difficult ones are being under active construction.  Taking into account the current speed of change Kaluga Region will get modern infrastructure in no time.  The fact that the projects’ financing has not been reduced and the speed of construction confirm the great importance of these projects. <…> Kaluga airport is a unique facility built thanks to Kaluga Region Government endeavors. An airport is an air gate for every region, and its existence makes a region more attractive”.   

Freight Village Vorsino multimodal logistics center is a pilot project in the field of developing of a new format of logistics infrastructure.  Today  Freight Village Vorsino  is an essential element of Moscow railway hub development masterplan. It is also on the list of terminals handling Moscow cargo flows.  It occupies an area of 600 ha (logistics park – 100 ha, industrial park – 500 ha). In the territory of the logistics park the following facilities have been built: a railway cargo park, truck and container terminals, a warehouse, motorways. It is planned to build production facilities from various industries in the industrial park.  

Freight Village Rosva transport and logistics center was built to optimize logistics operations of residents of Kaluga Region industrial parks, namely Grabtsevo, Rosva, Kaluga Yug, and to render relevant services to other companies engaged in foreign trade.

M3 Ukraine highway reconstruction provides for its widening pursuant to 1B standard (four lanes, no crossings with other motorways on the same leve)l. The traffic way width will be increased to   7.5 m, the paved verge on both sides will have a width of 3.75 m. Guard rails will be installed on both sides of the road.  



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