
Federal Budget to Allocate RUR 93.3 Million for Development of the Kaluga Pharmaceutical Cluster in 2014

On February 4, Kaluga Region Governor’s Coordination Council for the Development of the Regional Pharmaceutical Cluster held a meeting at the regional Administration Office. Participants discussed results of activities and potential for development of pharmaceutical training centers, defined priorities in the formation of the region’s innovative territorial cluster of Biopharmaceuticals, Biotechnologies and Biomedicine.

Vladimir Domozhir noted that a Training Center for Specialists of the Pharmaceutical Industry had been established at the Kaluga College of Information Technologies and Management. Training of pharmaceutical staff is organized with Calibrix Rus LLC. “We have a common goal – to recruit high qualification specialists to conduct training in accordance with international standards”, he said.

In cooperation with Calibrix Rus LLC, the center was equipped as recommended by Berlin Chemie / Menarini, which sent 16 of its employees to study at the center (GMP training).

Programs offered by Calibrix Rus LLC are based on the dual system of education.

Also, in 2014, the Agency for Innovative Development – Center for Cluster Development plans to invest considerable efforts in providing training and retraining for specialists from small and medium cluster participants in the field of practical implementation of GMP standards.

A special mention is deserved by two recently launched large-scale cluster-specific educational programs – Early Diagnostics of Cervical Cancer (which is part of the comprehensive regional program Innovative Platforms for Modern Diagnostics) and Improvement of Efficiency of Medical and Scientific Institutions through “Lean Management”, which involves practical training of Kaluga Region’s specialists in Goteborg (Sweden).

Above all, meeting participants were introduced to the ECOPolygon LLC project for utilization of medical and pharmaceutical waste in Kaluga Region.


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