
NAIS-2016. Kaluga Region Shares Best Practices for Air Transportation Industry Revival

NAIS-2016 aviation industry forum is to be held on February 9-10, 2016 within the framework of National Aviation Infrastructure Show 2016. The event is the main venue for dialog between government agencies regulation the aviation industry, airports’ management, airlines, business community and infrastructure institutions. Alexey Laptev, First Deputy Governor of Kaluga Region, is to take part in  Russian Aviation Industry: Global Challenges and Growth Factors plenary session.    

Forum 2016 attendees will focus on the following issues: Russian aviation industry and relevant modern challenges, air transportation market, aviation industry problems and prospects, airport infrastructure attractiveness for private investors, IT solutions as a tool to increase the airlines’ efficiency, airport ground equipment fleet management. The delegates will also have a chance to view presentations of NAIS-2016 show participants throughout its duration. 

Kaluga Region government pays much attention to transport and logistics industry development. For instance, freight village terminals, customs offices, and warehouses have been built. Road, railway and airport infrastructure is being developed. 

Kaluga international airport is a unique project in terms of the speed of construction, allocated finances, technologies and implementation speed. Its runway (length – 2,200 m, width -  45 m) was fully reconstructed in mere five months. Simultaneously taxiways, ramp, and apron were built, new navigation systems, and ICAO Category I light signaling equipment were installed. The project was completed in less than a year.  

Ermolino airport has become another air transportation revival project. The fact that Ermolino is located in the vicinity of Moscow makes it a promising place for a cargo airport, a major cargo handling center. This will boost Kaluga Region logistics industry development.  

Taking the afore-said into consideration, Kaluga Region with its wide experience in reviving air transportation industry may become a starting point for further development of transport and logistics industry of the Central Federal District regions.  

Last year the reports at the forum were delivered by officials from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Federal Air Transportation Agency (Rosaviatsiya),  the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, top managers of airlines, airports, aviation industry companies and service providers. Over 1,500 industry specialists, including delegates from 60 airports and 40 airlines attended the forum.   


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