OFK-KARDIO, Obninsk, concluded a contract with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation to carry our R&D works under Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation till 2020 and Thereafter federal target program.

By April 2015 OFK-KARDIO is to develop multiplex immunochromatographic assays to diagnose acute myocardial infarction and to launch production of such assays. The amount of budget financing under the contract equals RUR 30 million.

Unlike previously developed by OFK-KARDIO KARD-INFO assays based on identification of  fatty acid binding heart protein, new assays identify both fatty acid binding heart proteins and troponin I. According to Irina Oreshkina, head of OFK-KARDIO production department, multiplex tests allow not only to visualize these two cardio markers but also to identify their amount. This is to improve the efficiency of acute myocardial infarction diagnostics at preclinical period, to monitor the patient’s condition and to evaluate the efficiency of hospital therapy. 


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